Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 35- Penalty Video


  1. Little brother, I don't know if I've been more proud of you than in this moment right now. :-D This video made me profoundly happy, thank you.

  2. You are totally Justin Timberlake. Loved it! Go JT

  3. More proud than after my one-man-show?? wow...

    I had fun with this one. Not a fan of the penalty thing... but this was fun.

  4. Haha, I was just being emphatic when I said this video made me the proudest --- of course your one man show made me more proud. :-) And I agree, the concept of penalties is meh, but I like how Brotherhood 2.0 did them --- they always had fun and it was more about doing different things than it was trying to punish one another. Keeping things fresh, ya know? For example, I don't know if you would have done an Extreme Walking video had I not suggested it... and it turned out great!
